Hi Starkeeper,
I don't use it to create styles from midifiles, I actually have used it for the opposite, ie create a midile from a style so that I can use the midifile to style function on my kn7 and create a style for it.
Jos ( the developer) created some styles for the psr style group a while back, and I'm fairly sure it was from midifiles. It definately has the function.
If you're actually planning on creating styles from songs ( midifiles) you may also need a sequencer to transpose the parts to a single chord change ( you can't have chord changes within a style part, except for intro's & endings).
Michael Beddeson's Stylemaker program works in conjunction with sequencers.
I've only created the odd style here and there, but I've only done it with styles from my other keyboards ( ie I create a midifile from the style), or I've created midifiles from programs like BIAB or Jammer, ie where I don't have to worry about chord changes as I record them based on just 1 chord in the first place.
best wishes
Originally posted by Starkeeper:
Will it convert a MIDI file to a Yamaha style file?